FS: ETSS Large protein skimmer, Dinatrator, biopellet reactor, Hammerhead Pump,


Hi guys I am finally cleaning up some extra fish equipment I am no longer using and offering to my fellow local reefers before hitting Ebay. PM me with any questions.

1) ETSS 1100 skimmer, Thing is a beast 500.00

2)Midwest Aquatics sulfur Denitrator, I have new sulfer pellets I will include 100.00

I also have a reefdynamics like new biopellet reactor 150.00

Iwaki MD-100RLT pump 150.00

Reefflo Hammerhead Commercial pump 150.00

I cant get pictures to work thru photobucket but if you need some PM me

That skimmer and the blue vessel....were those Jose Dieck's?

And are you selling the vessel?
That skimmer and the blue vessel....were those Jose Dieck's?

And are you selling the vessel?

Yes they were Jose and I have his tank up and running for years :) I bought all his stuff and was blessed to have lived close to him. I would of given you blue vessel as I put in a new sump. I actually threw away :( I didn't figure anyone would want it. Because of that new sump set up I have all that equipment for sale but Photo bucket not working to show you guys :(