FS: Frags


Active member
I have (3) multi-branch ORA Birds of Paradise, (1) 1" green slimer, (9) 1" Idaho Grape Monitpora frags and a single Captain American paly for $5 each. I also have some high end stuff too if anyone's interested. $75 each, 1" RMF Gila Monster and 1" RR Aussie Gold Tort.

Located in Lakeland.

Captain America Paly , BOP, BOP, BOP
NFS, NFS, Green Slimer, IGM, NFS

Do you have a close up picture of the RR gold tort?how often do you frag the golden tort?this is on my list of corals to get but I'm not ready for it yet.I just want to make sure you plan on fragging it again at a later date so I can possibly get a frag of it when I'm ready for it.could you PM me a price and size of a typical frag and lmk if you plan on fragging it again at a later date.

What's left:

(3) multi-branch ORA Birds of Paradise
(7) 1" Idaho Grape Monitpora
(1) 1" RR Aussie Gold Tort
I know of 2 that are not for sale sonshine
Don't you worry Pumpkin. Your frags are safe and sound, for now.

Ever make it to Tampa? Interested in some Idaho grape and the slimer frag.
I work in Orlando so I dont get down that way too often.

Do you have a close up picture of the RR gold tort?how often do you frag the golden tort?this is on my list of corals to get but I'm not ready for it yet.I just want to make sure you plan on fragging it again at a later date so I can possibly get a frag of it when I'm ready for it.could you PM me a price and size of a typical frag and lmk if you plan on fragging it again at a later date.


I pretty much always have frags available of this one. $75/inch
How far off of I4 are you? I'll be driving to Orlando again this weekend and could stop in. Or whereabouts in Orlando do you work?
Interested to see a close up of gila and rr tort colonies of possible =)

I will try to get a photo of the tort colony. It's tough to do because of where it is in the tank. Top down will probably be the only way. I only have 2 frags of the Gila. One sold already and the other I'm keeping for myself.

Also you ship at all? Just wondering (Fort mYers)

Never have but I'm not opposed to at as long as your willing to pay shipping and understand that I am not business so no guarantee will be offered.

How far off of I4 are you? I'll be driving to Orlando again this weekend and could stop in. Or whereabouts in Orlando do you work?

5 minutes off I-4. I don't work weekends.
Hmmm any thought of coming down for the SWFMAS Reef Conference? I am a officer for the club and will be there all day. It is May 16th so maybe a baby gila will be around by then. Let me know, otherwise maybe have to make a drive lol.
Hmmm any thought of coming down for the SWFMAS Reef Conference? I am a officer for the club and will be there all day. It is May 16th so maybe a baby gila will be around by then. Let me know, otherwise maybe have to make a drive lol.

lol I think it will be quite a while before the Gila will be ready to frag again.
What's left:

(1) multi-branch ORA Birds of Paradise $5
(4) 1" Idaho Grape Monitpora $5/each
(1) 1" RR Aussie Gold Tort $50
Don't you worry Pumpkin. Your frags are safe and sound, for now.

I work in Orlando so I dont get down that way too often.

I pretty much always have frags available of this one. $75/inch

I'm definitely going to want a frag of the RR golden tort maybe some other high end SPS when the tank is ready.
