FS/FT: Tubastrea/Sun Coral


New member
I have a couple pieces of sun coral, all yellow/orange. I have had them for the past 2 months in my sump, all doing well and feeding on cyclopseeze and life brine shrimps. Two of the pieces have around 20-30 heads one has about 8 heads. Asking $25 for each of the bigger colonies and $15 for the smaller one. Will consider trades for zoas, sps, especially caps, or other lps. Will post pics in the morning. Thanks.
Put me in line and for pics too. I'll be down for my brother's graduation over the weekend and can get them then.
here are the picks, my phone number is 3053184228. I'm available everyday after 7pm and mondays and tuesdays I'm available all day.
Biggest colony, 20-30 heads, $25

Medium, 20-30 heads, $25

smallest, ~8 heads, $15

Pictures were taken right now. They are not fully expanded because I just turned on the lights to take the pictures. If needed I'll take another when the polyps are extended.
I dont have them in total darkness but they are in my sump, which has a 32 watt pc. They are doing really good on cyclopseeze. they also eat live brine that I throw in for the fish in the main tank.