Fs high end coral low price $75 pre-moving sale


so I am starting to plan an eventual move (and rebuild) but I'd like to start to part with lots of frags----

this first Pack is priced to move immediately----first to paypal has the hold

all frags have been fragged awhile ago, encrusted, growing etc.

I am in downtown Miami, 33137

Whole pack below for $75 ---- I can do 3 total of these packs----first 3 to Paypal

1 multi-eye 3G Oregon mummy eye chalice (brightest in the tank)
1 multi-eye emerald mummy eye chalice
1 mult-eye original mummy eye chalice
1 high end JACK-O-LANTERN leptoseris (awesome) frag
1 Tyree Seasons Greeting monti frag
1 Meteor Shower Cyphastrea frag
1 multi eye Blue Meanie Micromussa
1 forest fire digitata - frag
1 many eye Hollywood stunner chalice

nice piece of Tyree SUNSET monti to first pack buyer

below is an example shot of a pack---but its a TERRIBLE phone pic---but I also added mother colony shots to show some of awesome coloration

pm----but prefer text at: 631-241-678 (five)

again downtown Miami----

Best and hope to fill someones tank with some awesome bright high corals for a more than fair price

3G Mummy eye

emerald mummy eye


bad pack example pic---

Holy crappo! Awesome deal. If I had the room, I'd be all over this! Been wanting a 3G for a while now. GLWS!
Not a chance---here to stay!

Not a chance---here to stay!

Jon, you selling your tank dude?

howdy y'all---- so I am definitely NOT leaving the hobby or south Florida! However, I am planning ahead for a move (locally) in the next few months since I am wrapping up my fellowship at Bascom Palmer Eye. I am still in midst of negotiation for my next gig----crossing fingers for a faculty position offer! Related to this but OT to the reef world: three of my papers were accepted for publication but my main manuscript is still under review! Check em out: :reading:




So---more cheap high end frag packs on the way..... just thinning out corals that I have a bunch of triples and quads....

over and out

Damn yman, you da big dawg. My wifey knows a few people at Bascom. Eyes are so complicated. Too bad you just can't drill them out and fill them, lol. GL with everything!
So the Frags we are buying from you are Anthozoa of phylum Cnidaria Stem Cell transplantation reseach controling the integration of cells and developing primary High end Corals at low prices.