FS: IO Salt


New member
I have 2 new unopened (200 gallon) boxes of IO Salt $45/each.
I also have 4 new unopened (160 gallon) buckets of IO Salt $40/each.

If you are interested in more than just one, I'm sure we can work out a deal.
You don't like the salt?

When I ran my tanks at a higher Alk level (9.5) the IO salt was fine. I've been running my tanks now at 8.0-8.3. I am also running an ATS so my NO3 and PO4 levels are much lower than when I was running my Alk at 9.5. With the IO salt I need to add acid to lower the Alk level (just like my pool). I also find the CAL and Mg levels of the IO tends to be lower than what I like to run at. I do run a doser with 2 part and Mg.

On my new setup I am going to be running a CA reactor. I've been running with the TM salts for about a year now and the numbers seem consistent from bucket to bucket and I don't need to add stuff to the salt mix to get the levels I want. I still need to dose 2 part and Mg, but my the levels are much more consistent in my temporary tanks and I don't need to keep adjusting the dosing levels other than small increases as the corals are growing.
Yeah. I understand the high Alk issue with IO. I use it and like IO, except for the high ALK.

In the past, I noticed that I would get a brown residue in the mixing bucket. The IO reef crystals was worse, but it was still there. Have you seen that issue with the residue?
No brown residue for me. There used to be white residue with IO 5 or so years ago but that is much better now. It mixes pretty well for me.