FS: Shrooms & Oregon tort frags


New member
I was planning on bringing these to the upcoming auction, but I'll now be out of town that weekend.

First up, some shrooms. The group of 5 on the right is $20 for all of them. A couple have a second smaller one attached. These are just random shrooms, nothing special. Top left, bubbly yuma. 2.5" $40. Bottom left, pinkish orange yuma. 2" $30. These get huge. I have a couple that are at least 5"


Next up, Oregon tort frags. Fully encrusted nice chunky frags. Few different sizes, $40-80. I've been growing these out for about 10 months. They've recently started to really grow. I went a little overboard trying to increase nutrients so color could be a little better.

*Update: All SOLD



Adding Tubb's blue Zoas. $25 per frag. Each frag has 20+ polyps. Two Sold, two still available.


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I'll take a blue tubb and a tort if you have any $40 left.
I think I now live down the street from you, just text me when your free ;)