FS: Skimmer, MH, MP40, Reef Keeper


New member
All items available for pickup in Miami Area, send me a PM if interested.

Reef Keeper Elite w/ Net $200
Includes 2 PC4 Modules
SL1 w/ temp and PH probes

Vortech MP40W $180

Reef Octopus Skimmer w/ upgraded Bubble Blaster Pump $180

Pair of 250W MH AquaMedic Pendants & Ballasts
I recommend changing the bulbs, I have one brand new14K Phoenix bulb I'll throw in

Pair of Peristaltic Dosing Pumps $80 for both
Some other items...

Phosban 150 reactors - $15/each

Hanna Alk Checker - $25

Two-Part Kit w/ Magnesium- $8
What is the Skimmer rated at?

I cannot remember and the unit has no model number. It was way oversized for my 65G though. I can get you dimensions if you would like or try to find something comparable on their site to give you an idea.
FS: Skimmer, MH, MP40, Reef Keeper

I cannot remember and the unit has no model number. It was way oversized for my 65G though. I can get you dimensions if you would like or try to find something comparable on their site to give you an idea.

That will work, I'm looking for a skimmer for a 150 with a moderate to heavy load.
That will work, I'm looking for a skimmer for a 150 with a moderate to heavy load.

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. The skimmer has a 6" main body that is 18" tall. The overall height with cup is 25". It has an upgraded bubble blaster HY-2000S pump (http://www.coralvue.com/reef-octopus-bubble-blaster-2000-skimmer-pump). Comparing it to current reef octopus skimmers, I would say it is closest to the classic 150 external (http://www.coralvue.com/classic-150ext-recirculating-protein-skimmer) but mine has a much better pump.