FS: Tank Part Out Sale! Great Deal


New member
Hey Guys my I'm parting out my 55 Gallon Tank she severed me well but I'm trying to get out of the hobby. I have some equipment left for sale would like it gone as soon as I can. Will consider reasonable offers but prices are really fair.

1. Reef Keeper Lite Plus - $225
Head Unit
2 PC4 power bars (8 total outlets)
Digital Aquatics Temperature probe
ReefKeeper SL1 pH and ORP Module(Inputs: pH, ORP, Temperature, and 2x Switch Ports)
Also comes with ATO system, switch and pump

2. Reef Breeder Photon 32 - about a year old, fully controllable LED Light comes with hanging kit, and the remote. Love this light, really grows great corals, as sunrise and set settings make your corals pop! - $375

3. 55 Gallon Tank + Stand + 20GL Pump - $130 - This is a steal, but really want this thing out of my house! It has been drained expect for a small lawyer of water keeping the live sand well alive. All the rock as been removed and sold already.

4. Mag Drive 5 - $40 needs to be cleaned but she's all yours for 40 bucks.

Call or Text - 561-302-3039
Cash Only! - All Sales Final
Hey guys I'm getting a lot of people trying to offer low ball prices. All this equipment is top notch, the light its self is $100 off retail, and the reef keeper system new without the ATO, and the aqualifter pump is 280 new. So these prices are fair, and reasonable.
Price Drop: Would like this stuff gone by the weekend

Reef Keeper Lite Plus: $175

Reef Breeder Photon 32: $300

55 Gallon Tank + Stand + 20GL Pump - $100

CALL OR TEXT - Cash Only no trades - 561-302-3039
Location Boca Raton - Incoming Photos

Everything is Still Available, Sale fell through for RKL.

Added photos of the tank, RKL, an the Reef Breeder LED light.

For those asking all the gear is about a year old or less, Im getting out of the hobby and down sizing to my 14 gallon biocube. I had a huge tank crash and lost about 2 grand in coral so I'm trying to recoup as much as I can.
Still have the Reef Keeper, and the Tank set up everything else has been sold!

contact me -561-302-3039 text or call
ah man you tore down that beautiful tank, damn. I still cant get my GF to shut up about it lol. Btw i was the guy you sold the bubble tip to with the free polyp, which has doen amazing btw :)