Fungus amoungus


New member
Okay, anyone know what this blue thing is growing in my tank? It has three branches on each polyp and appears to be blue (I have a lot of blue in my tank so it may not be as blue as it shows in the pic). My luck it is marine poison ivy (three leaves) Looks cool and seems to be growing fairly this time it looks kinda cool....but it it is bad then I need to yank it out fast before it goes kenya tree on is just to the left of the green 'shroom and there is a small blue shroom just above it.....


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I'm certainly no expert, but it looks like dictyota to me. has an excellent algae id guide.
Bingo Kim! Thanks....

After taking that new clue and searching the internet, I think it is either a dictyota adnata or dictyota friabilis. It says some varieties are desirable so I may give it a chance as it is kinda attractive and may even help in my nutrient export. It looks like it would be easy to yank out if I decide I don't like it. I will have to do some more research on it later (darn work keeps getting in the way) and decide.

If I find it is a desirable algae I will have to sell it on ebay....labeled exotic desirable algae from the Indian Ocean for sale.....$50 an
That is a good point Jon, but from what I briefly read, it has a single foot attachment and is supposed to be easy to remove. I will try to get in my tank in the next few days and see if it truely one foot and not growing on the rock. The good news is it is on a loose rock (not a base rock) that is easy to take out if I need to scrub. So, I will complete my research before I make my decision. I really like the look of it and if it is a "good" algae, I want to give it a chance. I had my skimmer out of commission lately and I know it is taking advantage of the situation. I know my phosphates are running a little high and I just got back from vacation and did a large water change on Sunday, restarted my skimmer and refreshed my GFO so it might not do as well in the long run.

Yes, I am really bummed that I will not be able to attend. I was really looking forward to the meeting and I am usually home 98% of the time on a Sunday, but I have a booked flight on this Sunday and cannot reschedule at this late date. I am sure whatever date Marty picks will have 20% of the people that cannot attend so I guess that is the way it goes. Unfortunately not many people are saying one way or the other so we don't know if it doesn't work for more that would have attended. If there was a better response (and it was mostly negative for that date), then maybe he could have run a couple of dates out there and see what would work for the majority. Unfortunately, it is hard to get people to step up and comment so sometimes you just have to pick a date and hope for the best. However, I think that it will be a good meeting if they have 5 or 15, so I will catch the next one.
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