
New member
I have the single unit w/o the extension in my 125 mixed reef.
Almost immediately I noticed an overall improvement in my tank that I wanted to attribute to the wave action but I felt I would be jumping to conclusions.
Well...it's been over a month since running it and the improvements just keep happening!
I've done NOTHING else different in my maintenance or equipment other than the WB.
1) Clown fish have laid first clutch of eggs after over two years.
2) Zoa polyps that have been struggling since day one are taking off.
3) Squami clam spawned for the first time in over a year in my tank.
4) Aussie white polyp sponge that has been struggling seems to be making a recovery.
5) better overall PE

I have a 300+ gal upgrade in the works and I'll be adding the extension.
So is this the Tunze wave box? How was your overall water movement before the Wavebox? If it was lacking before the Wavebox then I think that you could associate it with the improvements.
Yes of course it's the Tunze. Why else would I be posting this in the TUNZE forum? ;)
My water circ. before adding it was just fine...~60x turnover with good random flow.
Don't misunderstand me...I'm in no way saying that the improvements I've seen are absolutely the result of the wavebox(is it just coincidence?) nor am I saying that others NEED to have one to see my results...that would be ignorant.
I'm merely letting the manufacturer and others that may be considering one, know that I'm happy with MY results. :)
if u hook up the wave box with the Tunze multi controller 7096 , it will be the best combination
I bought one for my 300. Loved it so much I bought a nano for my 150. In the 150, I had a Sebae Anemone about 10 inches across. He is now about 16 inches across.