Gbta, maroon clown and green finger leather


New member
Thinking of upgrading my skimmer, so I thought I would throw a couple of things out there to see what I could get to help off set the cost.

7" disc green bubble tip anenome and 3" maroon clown with gold band combo

Large About 9x5 Green finger leather

Make an offer if its reasonable I will accept, if not I'll just keep them. Pm me
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Thinking of upgrading my skimmer, so I thought I would throw a couple of things out there to see what I could get to help off set the cost.

7" disc green bubble tip anenome and 3" maroon clown with gold band combo

Large About 9x5 Green finger leather

Make an offer if its reasonable I will accept, if not I'll just keep them. Pm me

I'll take $60 GBTA and clown and $40 for the Finger leather