New member
Hey everybody!
After several years in the Army, moving, deploying, etc, I have finally turned a new page, got a civilian career going and am able to stay put for the first time in what seems like forever. I've basically been deployed or on training orders since April of 2014. Well, I just bought a house, have a great job, and I don't see myself moving for the foreseeable future. You know what that means: time to set up my first tank in a long time!
As with any "hobby" (for lack of better terms, i see this more as a lifestyle lol), the innovation is just crazy. When I last had a tank, the latest innovations were items such as the mp40s, Reef Keeper Elite, and the beginning of viable LEDs. We've come a long way it appears! What are some of the items i should be on the lookout for? Below is the equipment I have already purchased or have on hand for a 65gal SPS tank
Brand New Equipment
-65gal drilled tank with internal overflows
-Eshopps 3rd Gen R-100 sump/refugium
-Mag 7 return pump
-BM Nac 7 Protein Skimmer
-(2) MP40 powerheads
-(2) Hamilton Tech 250w MH Ballasts
-(2) Hamilton Tech Bali Sun SE Mogul Pendants w/moonlights
-3 compartment dosing res
-ATO res
-Phosban Reactor
-Carbon Reactor
Items I have on Hand
-Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Elite controller
-1/4hp Current USA Chiller
-LED Array for refugium
-BM-T01 dose pump
I really want to take this tank to a top-of-the-line system, fully automated (with the exception of water changes, i like doing that manually). So i was thinking of the following upgrades to this system before i even set it up:
-New Neptune APEX system with everything to replace the RKE
-Optical ATO sensors to get away from float switches
What other innovative things may I be missing out on? I'm set on the MH fixture I have, I will likely get the sweet kessil LEDs for another build (i know they're "in" right now, and i think they're awesome). I definitely like the connectivity of the Apex controller and the interface. That is a must-have for me, and I can save the RKE for a 2nd build as well. As for dosing, I think i will stick to 2-part for this build for the sake of space. Maybe one day i will use a kalk or calcium reactor when i have a bigger footprint and more stand space. I will definitely be using the chiller to keep temps constant.
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance everyone, it is wonderful to be back on the forum and in the hobby.
After several years in the Army, moving, deploying, etc, I have finally turned a new page, got a civilian career going and am able to stay put for the first time in what seems like forever. I've basically been deployed or on training orders since April of 2014. Well, I just bought a house, have a great job, and I don't see myself moving for the foreseeable future. You know what that means: time to set up my first tank in a long time!
As with any "hobby" (for lack of better terms, i see this more as a lifestyle lol), the innovation is just crazy. When I last had a tank, the latest innovations were items such as the mp40s, Reef Keeper Elite, and the beginning of viable LEDs. We've come a long way it appears! What are some of the items i should be on the lookout for? Below is the equipment I have already purchased or have on hand for a 65gal SPS tank
Brand New Equipment
-65gal drilled tank with internal overflows
-Eshopps 3rd Gen R-100 sump/refugium
-Mag 7 return pump
-BM Nac 7 Protein Skimmer
-(2) MP40 powerheads
-(2) Hamilton Tech 250w MH Ballasts
-(2) Hamilton Tech Bali Sun SE Mogul Pendants w/moonlights
-3 compartment dosing res
-ATO res
-Phosban Reactor
-Carbon Reactor
Items I have on Hand
-Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Elite controller
-1/4hp Current USA Chiller
-LED Array for refugium
-BM-T01 dose pump
I really want to take this tank to a top-of-the-line system, fully automated (with the exception of water changes, i like doing that manually). So i was thinking of the following upgrades to this system before i even set it up:
-New Neptune APEX system with everything to replace the RKE
-Optical ATO sensors to get away from float switches
What other innovative things may I be missing out on? I'm set on the MH fixture I have, I will likely get the sweet kessil LEDs for another build (i know they're "in" right now, and i think they're awesome). I definitely like the connectivity of the Apex controller and the interface. That is a must-have for me, and I can save the RKE for a 2nd build as well. As for dosing, I think i will stick to 2-part for this build for the sake of space. Maybe one day i will use a kalk or calcium reactor when i have a bigger footprint and more stand space. I will definitely be using the chiller to keep temps constant.
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance everyone, it is wonderful to be back on the forum and in the hobby.