Giesemann Infiniti or Current usa Outer orbit HQI


New member
Which should I get?
price is a factor unless the quality and reasons you give are too hard to ignore which case I will go for the Giesemann
Giesemann $900
current about $550 i think
Anyway both are 250w HQI with 4 24watt T5's
which should I get
I got the new hanging arm kit from current to hand a fixture to the back of the tank not sure if the giesemann is compatable which is another factor in deciding as its the way I want to hang the light and if the Gman cant be used on it that would be a turn off.

so which should i get and why?
Giesemann makes better products period hence the price. Current Usa are ok products they are not bad products but no where near as good as Giesemann.
You better read up on the Currents before purchasing them. Good units but I've read the ballasts work best with current bulbs. I have a 24" Current and 2 Docs just replaced it under warranty as the ballast went out after 8 months. Otherwise I've liked the unit, but Geisemann is another league.
I have a current and it works good for me have had it for 3 years and never lost a ballist. That my be due to the fact I only use current bulbs and have added extra fans so it runs cooler. Over all it is a good light.

Two things you should never skimp on are lighting and skimming. The Germans make the best of both.

