Goin' Glass Baby!!!


I am in the process of upgrading from an acrylic tank to a Lee-Mar 167g (62x26x24) three sided eurobraced starphire tank. I am really excited about the build as it gives me the option to "start fresh" and apply what I have learned over the past year in my experiences with my current 120g setup.

Given my travel schedule my updates will be very sporadic. I usually have access to a computer when in the field so I will update this blog as the opportunity presents itself.

I placed my deposit with Vivid Aquariums on 3/10 and was recently told that I could expect my tank the week of 4/4. I was going to put the project on hold because of unforeseen travel plans but decided to push forward anyway.

With a new tank I need a new stand. I wanted to go with a steel from and since I have zero welding skills I choose Steel Aquarium Stands. So far, I am very impressed with the work. The stand is way overbuilt and made out of 2" tubular steel and is 40" tall. It will have a drip tray and custom mounting board for my electronics and battery Vortech backup unit.

I like to think my design is European retro, yet understated with a classic Elos flavor. It's simple but will get the job done.

I have attached a couple of drawings...
Would you mind telling me who is building your tank? I am looking for a similar setup. I am in Utah and don't want to pay the shipping for glass cages.com to make mine.
:fun2Would you mind telling me who is building your tank? I am looking for a similar setup. I am in Utah and don't want to pay the shipping for glass cages.com to make mine.
The tank was actually built by Lee-Mar Aquarium & Pet but purchased through Vivid Aquarium.

The good news is that your LFS should be able to contact Lee-Mar directly and order the tank for you. If you have a good relationship with your LFS I would contact Lee-Mar as a representative of your LFS and deal with them directly.

Make sure you know EXACTLY what you want before ordering the tank. Don't be shy about sharing the details (diamond edge, 3 sided Starphire etc.,) as it will make the process go that much better.

I hope that helps!
The stand look awesome, and I love the drip-tray on the bottom. Keep up the good work, and let me know when you have updates!
