Goniopora success


New member
Is anyone having great success in keeping Goni's and if so what are you doing? I have always had a difficult time keeping them for more than a year, and just received a few colonies that are in a bad way (donated from a friend). I would like to do everything in my power to keep them alive.
I've got a big pink and yellow one I grew out from a frag about 3 years ago and the clownfish started hosting it a few weeks ago, I pretty much just ignore it and let it do its thing. I think the red ones are easier to keep overall but it seems kind of specific on the goni and the tank, moderate flow keeps mine pretty happy it likes to sway in the breeze.
Thanks. Uped the flow in the Q system and started feeding naups and rotifers. Hopefully this will keep them.
Have a green one thats doing well. Had it about 4 months now. Thought i had lost it, didnt open for over a week. Found they prefer "dirty" water. I took my protein skimmer off (which was added just before it closed up) and gave a good feed of phyto and zooplankton. It started opening back up within 2 days. A week later its fully opened again.
Addition of small foods like gonipower, phyto, zoo, etc. from TLF and maintaining iron have been working for me for multiple years.
Many people state that to have real success with Goni, you need an aquacultured/tank raised piece...wild caught seem to slowly waste away...
Many people state that to have real success with Goni, you need an aquacultured/tank raised piece...wild caught seem to slowly waste away...

I dunno, I've seen tons of wild red ones make it ok and some TR ones that haven't it's kind of all over the map. It's the green ones that seem iffy when they're wild imo
I have a green and red ones and both are taking over my tank after 18+ months. I was actually looking to see how to frag them. I keep sps water quality with a max of 5ppm nitrate and little to no po4