Gonna be looking for some frags... ;)


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
I expect to have the tank set up early Jan, and the cycle to be done by end of Jan. As such, I'll be looking for some corals. I'm staying away from the most commons, no xenia, kenyas, or zoos (unless it's just an amazing color morph). I'll be looking for 2 acros, (a bright green, maybe a slimer, and a dark purple or blue), a small frag of a bright acan, preferably a red or purple (I also have a micromussa with some amazing pastel colors nailed down), and an open brain with some great colors. I'll be ordering my live rock in the first week of January. Please post a pic if you have it. It's good to ask now, so if we work out a deal you can frag it now, and it'll be encrusting a little by the time I'm ready. Thanks in advance!


P.S. I am not really looking for stuff to frag in a few months, so if you're trying to keep the coral from getting out there, we can still talk. I'm setting this up for a couple of major colonies, not lots of little ones.
I would check with racermike for his ORA tort. The thing is blue as anything I've ever seen. For a green, I know ding2thedong has some green slimer if thats what you want. Otherwise I'm sure people have some other nice green pieces. I've still got the confusa if you want green but not an acro.
I'd love to see a green confusa... If it's really green, I'd sub that for an acro! Also, forgot, gonna want an Idaho grape, about 1-2" frag, unmounted. That'll be a little further down the road, though.
Hey Chris,

Just pm me when you are ready. I have the slimer, idaho grape, ORA tort and many others you can pick from. Just let me know when you are ready.

I will be away for this weekend but will be back in town after the 1st of Jan.


Mike, you're the first one I'll be seeing... Rogger will probably be a close 2nd. Only reason, I know Mike has a couple of things I wanted. The main fish I'll be looking for are gobies and blennies. All colorful, except the black head jawfish (huge head on a small body, love those guys!) Like I said, I'll probably be ready late Jan.