good day bad night


New member
well i put my new pair of percs in hoping that my clarkii would just pick on them for a little then be done and everything is well...and ofcourse it didnt happen that way ...he attacked the crap out of em ...especially the big i tried to catch him....not even close to being possible so i moved some rock....still wasnt happening...til finally i had to rip all my rock out to get him now i have a whole new aquascape (yes im not to happy about it) but u gotta look at the positives in everything...and in that i see that it dont look tooo bad...i might do some adjusting tommorrow but im not gonna complain....

Just got your message man, yeah that sucks. Rock looks good though. Still waiting to see how long the bridge stays in there. All my inverts made it in, and my new Rabbitfish (no QT, fish only I'll nuke the whole tank if need be) and my yellow tang are fast friends! They are schooling back and forth in the 125g like they've been in there a year. I'll throw a pic up tomorrow.

CRAP!!!!!!!! the one clownfish aint looking the best...hes hanging out under a rock...for a second he was just laying on the sand....the other one ...the really small one (im assuming the male) is swimming around like crazy...i hope the other one is ok:(
um "nemos" doing great but the other one is still kinda hanging out in the back...i wanna say he has ick but im not soon as i get this ten gallon im gonna qt him and see what happens..thats the only choice i ahve...if he gets to bad before then ill have to put him in a bucket and do wat i can
Clowns under high stress seem to show outward signs of ick. I dont think its ick.(too fast and too much coverage) Anyway if your clarki is out of the tank and they are by themselves I would leave them. No need to stress them more. Keep the lights low. TPP always covers there fish in a brown bag to reduce light and stress. Putting them in a new enviroment where they have yet to figure there hidding places with high lights tends to stress them a bit.
The fact that they made it so far is a plus. Keep the stress to a mininum.
just remember, a QT tank needs an established, strong bio filter too. just throwing them in a separate tank, with no filtration will only make them worse as the water fouls. chemical treatments will degrade the bio filter some. depending on what you use.
good water, good filtraion and good aeration will let them adjust and kick the ick.