Thanks Nick,
That's the closest that I've come to identifying, just wanted to be sure. Seems like you know a little bit about these gorgs, since Im new at corals but not new to the hobby, I have a few questions hopefully you or others on the forum may be able to answer.
1) The tank the Gorg is in is 15g, but it is plumbed in to my 130g system so total volume of water around 140g combined. DT is 130g combined with Sump volume after subtracting the rock,sand, ect...
2) DT, filtration is ASM G3 Skimmer, Denitrator, Filter Socks, Refug, 36w UV Sterilizer and DCT 12,000 Return Pump.
3) Parameters for both tanks is the same since they are plumbed together. Both separately tested with Salifert test kits.
Amonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 2ppm
PH - 8.23
SG - 1.024
Calc - 480
Mag - 1335
Phosph - .5 (Going to add GFO Reactor this week).
Water Change 25% once per month.
1. Since BlueBerry is NPS, can they handle direct lighting. Current light is Par38 LED Bulb.
2. Can I use a doser to dose plankton drip?
3. How quickly does this grow if fed properly?
4. Will it encrust itself on to the rocks or will I have to epoxy or glue it to the rock?
5. Some people on here state that you can't expose Gorgs to air yet others state they do expose to air for no more than a minute or so without hurting it? Perplexing!
6. Most importantly and since I'm new at this, What if anything am I doing wrong or what should I be doing to make sure Im successful?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my post.