Gorgonian lighting


Active member
Hey all,
I have a question regarding my yellow gorgonian. I have had it for about a month and it has seemed to me unhappy lately. IT is under a ledge (I have 2 400 watt MH lights), because I was told it liked the shade. It looked great for about 2 weeks, now it does not put its polyps out too often. I have another purple gorg that is just in the sand at the bottom of the tank and he has his polyps out almost 24 hrs a day. Should I move the yellow so he is similar to the purple or do they like lower light? Please advise. Thank you.
This is the SPS forum, Gorgs do not fit in here, but no problem.

The Yellow one is nonphotosynthetic, so it has to capture and eat it's food. Your purple one is most likely photosynthetic or partially, and uses the light for food. Either way I would move the yellow down out of the bright light, increase the flow and feed some rotifers, phytoplankton, and Cyclopeeze.