got 19.00 in my paypal and i want some corals

big $$ pimpin :p I kid, I kid. Hope you find some stuff. I toldya that when I'm home I can hook you up with a bunch of corals for cheap.

Oh and did you end up cooking that rock like we talked about?
hey lol hey i started to pack the rocks in the 210 just have to finish packing them in their then i fill it up and i start the cooking
Thanks for the rec. Mel :)

Keep in mind that the sooner you get the rocks in there with the water and start doing water changes, the sooner the rocks will be ready and sooner you can put the tank together
hey o and i was thinking could i use some cement or anything to hold the rocks together ? because i have some nice caves and arches and wat not id like to build as one big rock fixture
You can drill into the rocks and use zip ties to hold them together. You can also use pegs to stick between drilled rocks. Another idea that'll be more costly will be to use epoxy and essentially glue the rocks to oneanother
I suppose there is cement that you could use... however it would take weeks if not longer to cure outside of the tank before it is usable... and it's probably just not so great policy... I do wonder though about using the foam that people use for backgrounds to work as epoxy and get stuck in the pores on the sides of the rocks that are touching. I dunno.

I wouldn't really suggest anything other than epoxy, zipties, or plastic/acrylic rods.