Got a guess?


Active member
Got a guess on this frag? It's a bit more purple in person.



Oh come on guys....not even a guess?

I'm very disapointed.... :sad2:

Don't be shy....

I'm whistling the Jeapordy theme song now....Doo dee doo doo do dee do.....

I'll buy free beers for the time we meet.
OMG we have a brave sole willing to take a guess.

Anyone else agree. I didn't think it was such hard ID. I do think this came from ORA if that helps.

Thanks Went Reef Girl!

So anyone else agree with this ID?

It just doesn't appear the same as the A. horrida pics I find online.

I'll try to get some more pics on here for some help.
It is a purple bonsai in need of more light. They like pretty intense light to bring out the purple real well.
I think it's acclimated well and can be move up now. It is a bit more purple in person but its on the bottom now and should love my light when I move it.

Anyone else agree that it could be a purple bonsai?
Sure looks like the GARF Purple Bonsai to me. Any suggestions additional suggestions on placement and flow?