Got bored...again


New member
well thats interesting. I never thought of something like that. mmmm How come you did not use baffles for bubble control. if you have the overflow in it's seperate compartment then you can block many of the bubbles. as for the noise you can try a filter.
I origionally designed the sump with rubble and baffels to de-gas, decelerate, etc. but wound up making a lot of changes and thus, my present situation. Apparently I just can't leave well enough alone.
Anyway, with this "passive skimmer" i'm building I might be able to stop using my actual skimmer. I'm going to keep a eye on them both. My guess is the passive will take some out but not enough to merrit taking the other one out.
I've already cut my pieces. just need to glue. its overall dimentions should be 6"w x 10"L x 8"h. Add another 5-6" for the riser and that should about do it. I'm not sure if i want to put a collection cup on the top or connect a hose, draining the skimmate to a remote container.
Speaking of which, I think the remote skimmer container will be my next "I got bored" project.