Got Wrasse?! -- These are hard to come by.....


Premium Member



Thanks, What is the name of the wrasse of the last picture of your set? The color of that fish is stunning.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8019102#post8019102 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by this is me
Thanks, What is the name of the wrasse of the last picture of your set? The color of that fish is stunning.

I'm actually not sure, I shot them while at my LFS, wanted some good hi-res images of them, don't see them too often.
Incredible looking fish and shots. :)

The last one in the AG's set looks like Cirrhilabrus cf exquisites but I could be way off on this. :D How large was it?
If you want species names I would post these pics in the "fairy wrasse photo library" thread that is a sticky in the reef fishes forum.