Gotta move my clam. Need advice


Professional Mind Reader
i am going to move my T Max from the 125 that he's in to my 450 this weekend. The problem is that he is attached to a rockin an indentation on the rock which he happend to fit perectly into, so I can't see his threads to cut them. Any suggestions on how I can go about getting him the rock safely? TIA
I would have to say take him with the rock if you can.

Other wise take the rock and tip it so the clam is not facing the light as much and see if it will detach itself or move so you can get at the threads.

Unfortunately taking the rock is not an option. I can try tipping th rock to see what happens.

Any other suggestions?
Why isn't moving the rock an option?

I guess the only other one would be carefully chiseling away a piece of rock around where he is attached. Take him and a small piece of the rock he is still attached to.
also, move a powerhead so it is in strong current, a lot of times it will move, just wait for that to happen-Guru