grape caluerpa question


New member
I'm going to be setting up a mini-fuge in my sump here soon and I really like grape caluerpa (I know, if it's in my sump I won't see it, but that's not the point:). Have any of you had big problems with it going sexual and ruining a tank and does constant pruning prevent this?
Hi Jerry,

I think grape caulerpa (Caulerpa racemosa) is the safest caulerpa you could choose. Try to keep individual "plants" small (no longer than 8" or so) and you should be very safe from them reproducing sexually.

Excellent, that is just what I was looking for....I searched the web for a long time last night and could not find anything really specific like that. The only thing that I could find was "it can reach plaque proporations".

you're in love with it? do you have any experience with it? i love macros but i'm really against racemosa. it takes over and it's a pain in the arse to remove once it's grabbed hold. i thought the "grapes" looked cool but when it grew it sent out more shoots than anything with no grapes on them at all!
I don't know that anyone said anything about love...but I prefer it's looks over most of the other macros. This would be going in a little critter container in my sump (act as a makeshift fuge since I don't have a lot of room). From what I read, it is one of the fastest growing macros, which I think would fit my needs rather nicely since I want to control some algae problems in the main tank....I think the racemosa would definitely out-compete the algaes in the main tank.
As a fast growing macro it is really beneficial to the tank and IME it isn't that hard to pry up off the rocks when I want to prune it. When a "sprout" starts comming back from rhizoids left behind, a toothbrush can be used to destroy it.

Justy my $.02,
my bad... you said you "really like" it. i guess it's OK if you want it as your only macro. i've seen way too many fuge's taken over by grape. i like a variety of macros, but to each his own. good luck. i thought i'd like it too... now i preach against it. guess it all comes down to when you deal with it in your own system. a friend of mine just removed a ton from his fuge and he had to purchase a tang to control where it spread to his main tank. no more racemosa for him either.
yes, it will be the only macro and it will be in a critter carrier that acts as my makeshift fuge; my sump is only 16 gallons and I have a euroreef skimmer and a mag 7 return pump, so there isn't a lot of room down there. I have some minor algae problems in the main tank that I want to stay minor, so I want something that is going to be aggressive!

How did your friends algae escape into the main tank? Mine will have to get through a fine mesh filter pad (100 micron) and a pad over the intake of the return pump, so I think it's pretty well protected (on top of the fact it's in the critter carrier).
he doesn't know how it got in there. luckily his tank is huge and adding a tang to his fish population wasn't a problem.
I started with a small handful (grape caulerpa) in my 20 gal fuge a month ago and today it has completely filled the tank. I took out an ice cream buckets worth to my LFS today and you can't even notice I took any out.

Does it help keep algae blooms out of the main tank and what type of credit does the LFS give you for it?

I have been growing it for 3 years without it ever going sexual. Pruning helps get it thick and full of grapes if a branch seems to be getting to long and stringy just cut it back to a point right before the last set of grapes. I cut out 8 cup fulls once a month. It can be time consuming because i slowly remove it to pick off all the starfish and to give most of the worms and pods time to scurry away.
gskidmor - I didn't have an algae bloom before I added the refugium and still don't so I couldn't tell you from my experience. As for credit from the LFS I just gave it to him since he cuts me deals and gives me stuff all the time. As for credit from another LFS I don't know, but I did pay $8 bucks for a tiny bag of my seagrape caulerpa at another LFS.
I have also noticed that it does better if you just grab parts of it out instead of cutting it when taking it out. I've also read that you should keep the lights on 24-7 to keep it from going sexual, so this is what I do with mine.