Graying Zoas


New member
I am new to zoos and have a colony that has a few polyps that are closed/gray for the last 3 or 4 days. Is this a problem, and if so, what corrective action should I take?
They look ok, BUT check for any small predators at night, if you can't see any when the lights are on.
If no predators, just wait and give it a time, like a week or so.

Lets see what others will post...

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Well, when I said I was new to zoos, I mean I have had this colony for about three months, but don't generally have a lot of experience with them. I believe that they are fully acclimated though. I do know that I failed to properly anchor this piece to something stable and my emerald crabs and pep shrimp knock it around a lot. (I fixed that part though).

Last night they looked better than they have in a week or so, but still some were grayed out. We will see.

Thanks for the feedback.