Great stuff PRO reef safe? (PRO, not regular Great Stuff)


New member
Struggling to find the difference between basic Great Stuff and the PRO. Anyone know if it's reef safe like the regular Great Stuff?
Are you talking about the foam? If so look into pond foam instead of great stuff.

basically same stuff..
Just dyed a different color (black usually)...

Based on a quick scan of the SDS sheets of regular and pro both seem to be basically non-toxic and insoluble once fully cured but pro did have a few extra chemicals that did show some toxicity without specifying if that was only applicable prior to curing..

I'd probably just stick with the non-pro version to be safe unless someone else has tried it...
The cure time will likely vary based on product. Some (like great stuff pond foam) are showing minimum 8 hours. Others like TotalPond are 48 hours.