Green Button Polyps Turning Dark


Active member
I have 3 different species of green button polyps. They grow like a weel. They pop off from time to time and now they spread up the back glass. I have them in about 50-80 par under led lights...all with great eyelash extension.

The other day I noticed one looked black and blue under the antinics and today I noticed another one partially black. Under the white and blue lights it is more of a brown. Both are the same type.

I recently switched from kalk back to 2 part. My calcium was up to 600 for a few days but is now done to 400.alk is a 7 but I am adjusting my dosing pumps slowly to get me back to the 8-9 range... 1440 mag. Ph is 8.0-8.5. Nitrates are .75. Phosphates are endetectable.

This rock with these polyps on them is in the tank for about a month. It has completely overgrown in that month so I was assuming it was happy...