Green Carnation Tree Coral problem


New member
I have a Green Carnation Tree Coral that I purchased about a week ago. The upper body of the specimen if doing ok but the base is disconnecting from the rock and seems to be deteriorating. There is also a white cotton like substance in the center of the trunk which I don't think is normal. I've attached a photo in zip format since this site won't allow direct upload of jpg's. If anyone has any input or experience on how I can reattach the coral and/or treat this problem it would be greatly appreciated!

I though of cutting the base flat and securing it to a rock through toothpick and rubber band or similar but is there an underlying problem as I suspect there is, this may not help.


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How long have you had the coral, can you post tanks water parameters, and describe lighting filtration, and placement of the coral?

Very hard to tell from the pic, but it appears to be a very bleached leather type soft coral. I have had something similar happen to a recently purchased sinularia. Unfortunately this coral for me was unsaveable. I tried to frag it and the pieces just melted like the parent was doing.

You could try as you describe cut away the infected portion, and rubberband/toothpick it in an area with good flow. Hopefully someone else with a little more experience battling this type infection will join in. You could try a dip of some sort, but without really knowing what your dealing with it may be hard to determine how to treat it. This may also just add to the stress of the coral. The specimen I had literally disappeared within a couple days, and it appeared to be a rapid deterioration of the coral from within.

I would do any cutting in seperate container and rinse the frag well with tank water in a seperate container to avoid contamination of any other corals you might have.

If you can set up QT for the frag there you can have a little more control over the conditions its in and at the same time avoid further contamination of your display.

Best of luck.