Green Chromis and Blue Damsel's


New member
Both these fish are from the damsel family. Can they get along together? I currently have 3 chromis and want to get 2 blues.
Chromis aren't from the damsel family and are alot less aggressive. It was good adding them first, but there will be a little bickering until the damsel finds it's territory. What type of blue damsel..a blue devil? If so I would only get one for your tank(65gals)a small one. I only have one female in my 90. IMO I would get a female rather than an orange tailed male which in my experience are more agressive...good luck
I have a damsel, about 8 years now, that attacks everyone in her territory. Chased a chromis right out of the tank once. Thank God I was standing in front of the tank when it happened. That same chromis has been missing for two days now.

Three theories:

1. It just died and the stars and worms ate the corpse

2. It jumped out of the tank(haven't found the body around, but they can flop around for a good distance)

3. My 3 week old carpet ate him
Chromis are from the damsel family, just like clowns but are not as aggressive as wht your lfs calls "damsels".

I'm always hesitant before adding any damsels. Chrmois are peacful and relatively shy. Most other damsels are so aggressive that they will chase and kill many small fish and even irritate larger ones. They are also impossible to catch and remove once added. Because of these reasons, I simply don't ever add any of the common damsels.
True a blue reef chromis. They have the same dark blue as the damsels, but are supposedle peaceful like the chromis... HTH!
I agree on the 'one' Damsel.

I originally had 2 Kupang Damsels along with 3 Chromis and a host of other fish in a 125, the Kupangs fought like cats every couple of hours... Worst of all was that they would fight to the point of tearing fins/lips/scales off each other - then attack other fish from their frustration...

It was bad enough that after a few weeks - I trapped one of them and returned it. The remaining Kupang has made a complete 180* turn around and has become a very nice fish.... He's(I assume it's a he) been with me now for 4 years... Through upgrade and downgrade - now he's in a 40Gal breeder Display reef with my 2 Green Chromis. He's a little territorial, but not much more than any other fish would be.
