Green Paly Color Loss


New member
I was given some green palys in February and they have been doing great until just this past week. They were fluro green with full opening--so fluro that I think they are Nuclear Green Palys. We went on vacation last week, and while I was gone my sis-in-law watched the tank. Long story short, the overflow box lost siphon and my ATO put about 5 1/2 gallons of RO/DI water into the tank. I tested all of my water parameters and every thing is very good--Ca+460, Alk 2.9, SG 1.026, pH 8.1. My temp is a little high at 81, but I normally keep my tank at 80. I do realize that my Alk is slightly low as well. NO3 and PO4 are both 0/undetectable.

The palys still open all the way and when I've fed them they "snapped" closed, but their color has gone to a very pale green and they look puny. Any suggestions why they did. I assume the drop in SG did it, but since it's back to normal, shouldn't they be happy again?

Thanks for the advice.