Green Palythoas Turing into Brown


New member
This Morning i noticed my green palythoas are turning into brown, all
of them (They are located in different parts of the tank).

They aren't extending their tentacles and once you touch them or place food on them they don't close. I'm attaching some pics.


Any Ideas ...
All the other Zoas and Corals look fine...

Hard to believe that they turned brown from last night- this morning.

Low light, low water flow or water chemistry problem.
Could be a combination of 2 or more things happening.
GFO? Carbon? Additives? Water changes? Temperature? etc...

Unfortunately it's just impossible to guess for sure if you don't post details of your system for the people to try to help you. People will have to chime in for a while trying to help you 'til you find what the problem is.

Other zoanthids in the photo (top center) don't look too good either.
Good luck!
