Green Polyp Leathers at frag swap


Premium Member
Hi everyone,
I am coming to the frag swap with Sanjay and am going to bring some of my Tyree LE Green Polyp Leather frags for sale. I am going to donate $10 of the $45 from each one I sell back to the club. I know how hard it is to raise $ for guest speakers and such. We at RMRC were fortunate enough to have Sanjay out here a few weeks back and it was great. You can go to to reserve them. Look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks. I love coming to PA. It's like a home away from home:)
Here are a couple pics of the leathers.

One of the mother colonies at the bottom.

Thanks for bringing these to the frag swap, and for offering to donate $10 from every sale to the club. They are being sold on Tyree's page at $75 per frag and its booked for several years to come, so at $45 is a great deal.

These have to be one of the brightest green leathers I have ever come across, and it does not need any funky blue light to show off its coloration. I was lucky enough to pick up some from Steve on my trip to Denver. Here is a picture of a couple of them in my tank under 10K lighting.


I reserved one for myself! After seeing these at Sanjay's house last weekend during my visit, I knew I had to have one. Polyps are ultra GREEN!