Grocery Store Roasted Nori vs. Pet Store Marine Algae


Say no to clove polyps
I was wandering through the grocery store the other day and picked up a pack of "Roasted" Nori. It didn't have any listed additives or flavors and it looked exactly the same as the algae sheets that you buy at the pet store. It was $3 for 10 large sheets of it which would be less than half the price of what I pay at the pet store. I decided to give it a try and the fish attacked it just like they do the pet store brand. Only difference I could come across was that garlic was added to the pet store brand. I'll admit I slacked a little on feeding the Nori but still I've been adding it 2 or 3 times a week like I always have. The other day my lawn mower blenny looked so thin that I thought I was about to lose him. This isn't a new fish that won't eat in a new tank, I've had him for 4 years and he eats out of my hand if I feed him that way. I was wondering if this store bought Nori was missing something that the pet store brand had?

Anyone have experience with the grocery store brand?
Been using it for years with no problems, my foxface loves it.

I use the "roasted" nori from the local asian market. As mentioned.. My foxface also loves it.

In fact I'm out. Used my last sheet the other day. time to get more.


Yep the roasted is good. Been using it for years. I get mine online from noridirect. Much cheaper than the stores. It's around $11 for 100 8x11" sheets.
I buy the nori from the market and put two clips in the tank. My tangs eat one and my chestnut cowrie eats the other one.