growing frags


New member
If conditions are met, how quickly do the different types of corals grow? I know most softies grow relatively quickly, but I ma interested in knowing more about the acros and montis etc? If you start with a 1 or 2 in frag, how long can one expect to wait before it is one of those nice full pieces you see in show tanks?
There is just no way to answer that. Each tank is different, and the idea of what ideal conditions are are always different. Not only that but each species of coral has different growth rate responses.

Sorry! You might try the SPS forum and look for threads with growth pictures. It judge how they maintain their tanks and what growth they get.
Tough answer. No matter what I say, your coral will probably be different. :( :confused:

I got a birds nest that is suppose to be hard to grow but grows well and is very pink (under PC!!). My Monti-Cap grows but is a very faded orange. My digitatus grows straight-up like a stalk, but I want it to branch. There are no straight answers. Sorry.

Keep water movement strong, water chemi good, calcium and alk correct and VERY GOOD LIGHTS and they SHOULD grow fast and well.
Thank you. I know there is no easy answer to this. Can anyone give me examples on how fast there corals are growing? inches per year out or up etc? Thank you. Just so I have some sort of reference. Thank you again