Growth Pics from my 275G Display, 500G System -- aka "The Fish Room 500"


Premium Member
It's been a long time since I posted any pics of the tank (OK, I think it might have been last March... yikes!) so I thought some growth pics would be the best way to start the new year right.

These pics are mediocre, but this coral isn't... this aquacultured piece of A. efflorescens (or possibly A. branchi, time will tell...) came from Reefermadness as a "wedge" of Acropora with little color, but tons of promise. It hasn't let me down. Here is is from the front [before is from July 2006, after Jan 12 2007]:



And, from the side where you can see that it has started SEVEN separate plates (pointed out with red arrows) on different vertical planes:


In the picture you can see another smaller piece just above the plating acro that has gone from trash to treasure... it was a *tiny* frag that Reefermadness sent along with my "horizontal stag" that I'll show below.
The "mystery frag" was literally about the size of a quarter last March when I put it in the quarantine tank. On a whim I put it on my favorite piece of table top live rock in the tank when it came out of QT, and it has grown into a gorgeous mystery Acro. In living color is is electric green with teal terminal axial tips:



On the same piece of table top LR I have another stag that is "Hulk Green." It was a nice piece when it came in, but it has really colored up nicely to a flourescent pigment that almost hurts to look at. :cool: Here are a pair of shots from the front, in July 2006 and Jan 2007:



And here are another pair of pics from the far end of the tank showing the front to back growth of the piece:


Last, but not least, I'll brag on my "horizontal stag." From the before pics you can probably tell that this puppy grew in a mostly horizontal fashion before it came to my tank. It was a dark blue/green, and was encrusted over an older stag horn piece, giving it much of its branch mass ... along with some unusual contours. It has since turned mostly light cream along the branches, with the radial and axial corallites having tips that are purple and pink; polyps are bright blue. These two pictures are from the front of the tank:



Here it is from the end viewing panel of the tank:



The overall height of this piece has more than doubled to about six inches from top to bottom, and the piece is growing in every direction imaginable. It's been the most fun piece in the tank to watch...