Growth Pics


New member
here are a couple of my corals that have grown pretty good. i wish i could get the color better but that is another thread.

I got these two corals from Killingseed in late march 2010
this is my Idaho Grape



this is the ORA green birds nest.



Justin – Looking great! The caps are my favorite coral and those have grown out very well! You have MH right?

the last pic is under 250 watt phoenix 14K MH.

the birdsnest almost didn't make it in the middle there, but is slowly coming back.

yeah caps are my favorite. i have the red, grape and a new orange from john. the red isn't growing nearly as fast as the grape.
i would like any other caps if anyone would like to trade.

Please post any growth pics that you all have also!
Its kind of a dark red/orange under that atintics. Is that what you have? Sorry about the crappy pic!!! :(

Steffen Sparks
i have both a red and an orange. i just got orange from john and it is on the frag rack. i really like the green with purple edges.
Justin , you do have great growth going on there. Even if they are notthe color you want them to be they are still nice corals.