

Most of us know that water is one of our most precious natural resources. Without it life could not exist. Their is currently a world shortage of potable water. The problem is only getting worse as the population increases.

My mother used to scold us kids if we left the water running when we brushed our teeth or washed our hands. Mom also used to say to me "their are plenty of people in this world that would appreciate what you are throwing away". In this day and age water is one of those things many people in this world do without and could use what we discard.

In this great country of ours we do sometimes forget how good things are here and learn to take things for granted. A good example of something we take for granted is good clean drinking water.

As far as those of us who have City Water. That water delivered to our homes cost money to get their. Not only does the water cost money, but if you have City Water, the amount of water we use determines how our sewer bill is calculated. We are literally "throwing money down the drain" every time we use our ro/di units. It doesn't matter if you have city water or well water. Your well can still run dry.

I think that most of us in this hobby consider ourselves conservationist to some degree or another. We may not think that being a conservationist in one way, (reef conservation), may contribute to our disregard of the need to conserve our water supply. This seems to be counter productive.

I would like to know what everyone here does with the waste water coming off their ro/di filters. Maybe you save it to water your lawn. Maybe it just goes down the drain. Whatever it is I would like to know. If you just dump it down the drain like most of use probably do or have done the water police are not coming to get you. So please post dumping down the drain here as well. This thread is to try to bring awareness of how much cumulative water is being wasted and the alternatives to just dumping it. If you can also post how many gallons per week you make with your ro/di unit that will help me get a tally on how much is going to waste.

If you have any creative ideas on how to, or how you already, use the waste water from your ro/di filters please post it here. It could make some of us aware that we can make productive use from something we would normally just be "money down the drain". Not only is it a waste of money but a waste of a precious natural resources.

Show us how green we could be.

Please give me the amount of gallons you estimate you are making through your ro/di unit per week first. Then tell what you do with the waste water. Thank you to everybody in advance for contributing.

I would like to start:
I make 100 gallons of ro/di per week.
I use my waste water for our laundry. In the spring I store it outside to use in our garden and top off my swimming pool.
In the old days people where more aware of waste. I remember when I lived in town as a kid neighbors would pull there cars into the front yard and wash them. Clean car and watering the front yard at the same time. I live in a rural area so we have a septic system, so my waste water goes to water my oak trees, mountain laurels and next week I will end up watering my bluebonnets. I use 50 gallons a week so around 200 gallons a week of waste water.
I make about 30 -40 gallons a week, however i run a dual membrane unit that produces less waste water.

I just run it down the drain, however, we do alot of gardening in the summer so I think I will likely start saving it all.
0 gal. RO/DI water made per week.
Top off 5 gallons per week
WC 1 - 2 gallons per week but sometimes 10 once every 2 months.

Don't water the lawn.
Use a car wash that recycles 90% of used water, cleans it and uses it again.
Don't have a swimming pool or other large source.
Veggie garden with rain barrel.
run mine into my sump pump that goes to a dry well( a infiltrator system that is used for septics but just gets my sump water and water conditioner no salt) so mine goes back into the ground.
Without it life could not exist.

While you have a very good post with good points, I would like to point this out and amend it with this:

Life as we know it.

Thats what I was thinking. Also how do you use it for Laundry.

Collect the waste water in a separate container and fill up your washer with it (not all the way, a little less than what it would normally fil up - unless you have it exactly marked. You don't want to throw it off balance).
I hate to say it but plants dont like the trash water from RO systems.
Why do you say plants don't like ro rejected water?

Thats what I was thinking. Also how do you use it for Laundry.
As GhostCon1 said. Collect it in a separate container. I myself use this method now. In the spring I collect it outside and will gravity feed or pump it directly into the washing machine supply line. I will install a bypass of the regular cold water supply to the machine. That way it will be just as simple as using the machine with your normal water supply. Unfortunately it will be cold or at best luke warm water. You would still have to use your normal water supply for laundry that requires hot water.

I will be installing a bypass on my toilet in the basement as well. This can be easily done in my case because I can gravity feed the toilet.

While you have a very good post with good points, I would like to point this out and amend it with this:

Life as we know it.

Collect the waste water in a separate container and fill up your washer with it (not all the way, a little less than what it would normally fil up - unless you have it exactly marked. You don't want to throw it off balance).

I stand corrected "life as we know it"
I don't think my house plants like the waste water either /=

But i make about 25 gallons of water every two weeks, but my waste to pure water ratio is 1:1.
Like i said my house plants don't like the waste water (maybe its the wrong ph or something). But i do use maybe 3/4 of the waste water for laundry. This summer i think i am going to try to figure out how to collect the waste water in barrels outside to use in the garden (hopefully those plants will like the water).

I will try to see how my freshwater tank takes the waste water (there are no fish in it, just some java moss and some snails).

Or i can use the water to put in our worm compost or outside compost.

I'll try to see which house plants will actually tolerate the water. Is the waste water acidic or basic? i can't remember. I want to say its acidic but i'm not sure haha.
the ph of my waste water is over 8. Plants dont like that at all they need a ph of around 6.5 to be able to use the nutrients in the soil above that they get locked out. Before i even started reefing i got a RO from the hydroponic shop just for my plants, well water was killing them.