Hair algae on corals


New member
Hey guys,

My friends tank is being consumed by hair algae. Most of his polyps if not all are closed b/c of thr hair algae. He has a few hammers and a colony of frogspawns with like 7 heads. The torches are semi open and the hammers are retracted, but they look healthy.

Point is he asked me to take his corals and put them in my tank so they don't die. The skeletons have hair algae too.

I'm scared all that hair will start to spread in my tank. I don't have a frag tank and my sump is not big enough with all the cheato in there.

My parameters are all prefect.

What do you guys suggest? Advice needed asap.
Carlos thx for the feedback and offer on the seahare, but it wouldnt be for me; the hare. I'm still debating to keep them long term or not.
Parameters are very likely off, either No3 or pho4.

Get those in check first.

Is he using 0 tds water for evaporation?, are w/c being done?, and if so with 0 TDS to start with, or maybe NSW?

Clean up crew next.