haitian live rock critters


Reefer Enthusiast
i just bought some live rock from someone on craigslist (about 100lbs) and when i put it into water, a whole bunch of bugs came out. the rock is haitian so it has a bunch of crevaces and holes that bugs can linger in.
right now i have it in a rubbermaid container with a skimmer and a korilia 4 on it to keep it alive until my new tank is ready.
i have been doing research on the critters and some i may want to take out. most of them are probably types of isopods and worms but i have seen occasionally the big boys. probably about an inch long and looks like a sort of roach. i dont want it in my tank.
any ideas of what i can do with the rock to get rid of the bad and keep the good? ill post some pics of the bad ones once i get a chance.

pictures will help, fish out the ones you dont want before putting the rock in your tank. I would swirl (in water)the rock around to get the bad boys out...:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12109966#post12109966 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chloe1
A quick dip in a fresh water (dechlorinated) usually gets them to jump off. About 30 seconds.

I have never given live rock a fresh water bath thinking it will kill off the good bacteria off, but you got me thinking since my tank is already established it will be OK to do that since I don't need the biological help to cycle. Good way to start the week, learn something that is useful since I will be looking for some thin shelve rock this week.Thanks,
i was thnking the freshwater dip but i have i also been recomended to do a hypersalinaty dip. around 1.035-1.040 SG. soposedly by doing this all the bugs leave the rock and swim in the bucket, then i guess whatever i can catch with a net shouldnt be in my tank, i think i might go this route. ill let you guys know.