Hand carrying coral frags out of USA?


New member
I have a friend a in States who is willing to bring some coral frags from States to Pakistan.But wanted to know is it possible to do so? Has anyone carried frags/corals out of the states to another country in hand carry/luggage?
I wouldn't advise it. Generally speaking, you have to have a CITES permit for transport of live animals across international borders (other than dogs and cats, of course).
I don't know if this helps, but I had a friend bring me a cleaner-shrimp from Miami to RJ. Brazil.
You have to put "live animal" in clear plastic bag and declare it at TSA, but they will let it through. Make sure you have the receipt of where it is purchased and also documentation that it is NOT on some endangered species list. Anyway, my friend did everything the proper way and TSA gave him no issues.
What I would suggest would to have an insulated, styrofoam bag/box to put the coral into after you had declared it. Personally, I think you will be fine just do a little research about India's import laws.
Check the CITES treaty info. The US is a participant and it demands very specific actions be taken for import/export of many exotic species of plants and animals. My gut says that it's going to be pretty restrictive in this case.
Thank you so much guys. I think I will ask him to bring a tiny frag. See what paperwork they require. Would a PayPal purchase order will work? I'm buying from USA hobbyists. Not exactly lfs or suppliers.

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