Happy Halloween WTMRAC!

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Each year, The Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch!


(Even if it is just a beagle dressed up as a World War I flying Ace! )
I've got a .wav file loop of about 40 natural sounds I've put together: Wind, Lightning, cats, crickets, crows, owls, wolves howling, okay and the creepy scream, ghouly breathing, laughter, walking sounds and chains dragging on my laptop. Now, I connected the PC to a Pioneer AVR and out to a pair of studio monitor speakers in an upstairs bedroom, behind a sheer curtain with the window open.

It sounds really creepy in the DAY light! I can't wait for tonight!

Come here.... my pretty!
I spent a little too much time getting ready for Halloween this year. I was told the look was a major improvement.
