Swimming in the School
Sorry the walls need to be wiped down, but I couldn't resist filming these guys eating. They're all pigs, but the copperband butterfly and the hippo tang take the cake for the biggest pigs. I also am amazed at the progress the hippo tang has made since I rescued him. What a difference a few months of good food, clean water, and a big tank can make! Yes, the tank is heavily stocked. A massive skimmer, 500 lbs of live rock, around 100 gallons of refugium, and weekly 150 gallon water changes keep the tank in pristine condition, and heavy feedings keep everyone in good shape and keep aggression to a minimum.
The tank currently has 75 fish in it including:
1 hippo tang
1 vlamingii tang
1 moorish idol
1 copperband butterfly
1 longnose butterfly
1 striped rabbitfish
1 Koran angel
1 potters angel
1 flame angel
1 Lemonpeel angel
1 coral beauty angel
1 cleaner wrasse
1 melanurus wrasse
1 green Coris wrasse
1 mccoskers flasher wrasse
2 Yellow fin flasher wrasse
1 pinkhead fairy wrasse
2 redfin fairy wrasse
2 temmincki fairy wrasse
1 algae blenny
1 bicolor blenny
1 starry blenny
1 red Mandarin
2 Yellow headed sleeper Goby
2 crab eye Goby
2 Nematodes shrimp Goby
2 black cap basslets
2 neon dottybacks
1 orchid dottyback
2 Wyoming white ocellaris clowns
2 black misbar snowflake ocellaris clowns
2 tomato clowns
1 Clark's clown
2 pajama Cardinals
2 banggai Cardinals
13 green Chromis
5 Vanderbilt Chromis
2 bankanensis damsels
3 blue devil damsels
2 azure damsels
1 black tail humbug damsel
1 Lyretail anthias
Sorry the walls need to be wiped down, but I couldn't resist filming these guys eating. They're all pigs, but the copperband butterfly and the hippo tang take the cake for the biggest pigs. I also am amazed at the progress the hippo tang has made since I rescued him. What a difference a few months of good food, clean water, and a big tank can make! Yes, the tank is heavily stocked. A massive skimmer, 500 lbs of live rock, around 100 gallons of refugium, and weekly 150 gallon water changes keep the tank in pristine condition, and heavy feedings keep everyone in good shape and keep aggression to a minimum.
The tank currently has 75 fish in it including:
1 hippo tang
1 vlamingii tang
1 moorish idol
1 copperband butterfly
1 longnose butterfly
1 striped rabbitfish
1 Koran angel
1 potters angel
1 flame angel
1 Lemonpeel angel
1 coral beauty angel
1 cleaner wrasse
1 melanurus wrasse
1 green Coris wrasse
1 mccoskers flasher wrasse
2 Yellow fin flasher wrasse
1 pinkhead fairy wrasse
2 redfin fairy wrasse
2 temmincki fairy wrasse
1 algae blenny
1 bicolor blenny
1 starry blenny
1 red Mandarin
2 Yellow headed sleeper Goby
2 crab eye Goby
2 Nematodes shrimp Goby
2 black cap basslets
2 neon dottybacks
1 orchid dottyback
2 Wyoming white ocellaris clowns
2 black misbar snowflake ocellaris clowns
2 tomato clowns
1 Clark's clown
2 pajama Cardinals
2 banggai Cardinals
13 green Chromis
5 Vanderbilt Chromis
2 bankanensis damsels
3 blue devil damsels
2 azure damsels
1 black tail humbug damsel
1 Lyretail anthias