Happy New Year!! DBTC Torch


New member
I have 2 single head frags first come first serve
Good job you guys with don’t break the chain. It is refreshing to see. So much credit to you all for doing that. Just confused about one thing. Does give a daddy give a frag of something that he has in his tank or does he wait for that frag to grow and then frag it?
Good job you guys with don't break the chain. It is refreshing to see. So much credit to you all for doing that. Just confused about one thing. Does give a daddy give a frag of something that he has in his tank or does he wait for that frag to grow and then frag it?

To my understanding, you grow out the frag that you received and then share it with other people.
Sea-men I think you are supposed to wait and let the coral grow and pass it on. But IMO the idea that you had was even better. you could still pass it on whenever it grows but if you receive a coral you should frag one of your own and send it off to someone else. Maybe Gomer will chime in on this. He is the one that started the don’t break the chain.
It’s going to take a long time for that torch to grow out. Maybe I can get a frag in 5-7 years. you should have 3 or 4 by then.
DBTC is based on "theoretical" exponential distribution of a coral.

ie, I have a frag that i give to person1
(1 frag in pool)

Person1 grows out frag and gives to persons 2A,2B,2C
(3 new frags in pool)

Person 2A gives out frags to persons 3A,3B,3C
person 2B gives out frags to persons 3D,3E,3F
Person 2B gives out frags to persons 3G,3H,3I
(9 new frags in pool)

Of course, frags die, people don't pass on etc. ..plus we don't have dozens of people (yet!).

Now, if you recieve a DBTC coral, you are more than welcome to start up your own chain of a new coral, but there is no obligation beyond growing out the frag you received and passing on it's children.

Torches (heck, most corals) have an induction period and then grow fast (under reasonable conditions). I started out with one head and in 2 years, I had 6 heads.
Same with a frogspawn and ended up with about 9 heads. With LPS, keep an eye on your Mag. You can spot feed with small food too and growth can accelerate a fair bit.

Some frags grow slow and some fast. Zoas for example, can potentially double or triple in as many months, while some SPS take as many years. You jsut do what you can to keep the coral healthy :)
I have done 2 seperate posts for DBTC zoas and monti cap and had no one respond.

I do appreciate that! I'm guessing that it will take a bit to get people used to this very odd concept of "free" coral (with obvious commitment debt). We'll want to definitely talk a bit about DBTC at the upcoming meeting.

It is also possible that we have such a small pool of people to start with that those who are reading, simply have or don't want that particular coral. /shrug.
i would love to participate in this i have only one frag that i gave to my brother, but then all i have is some brown zoas, and one frag of pulsing xenia. so it will be a while before i can donate any good specimens to others. but when i do i am most definitely in this.