Hard Copy Catalog?


New member
Hey folks at PA...Do you have a hard copy catalog available? If so, how do I go about getting one? Thanks in advance.
Hi Greg,

Unfortunately we only have online catalog right now. We seem to average about 5-10 new products a week this year, so our website is growing so fast and product list that we can't get a catalog made. Would be out of date before we finished. We do plan on getting one made though. Probably will be at least 6 months.
Hey Jason,

(its Brian, The pain in the butt with a million MH questions and problems :rolleyes: )

I work in printing, and if you are really interested in starting a catalog I could probably be of some help. We do Full Color printing and could really make a nice catalog... Even though we are far away from each other, we could do the whole thing over the internet... Which we do with most of customers who are too lazy to drive over to the shop!

I would love to get involved with something like this... It would actually be fun, instead of the usual tedious crap we do all day long.. haha
Hi Brian,

That sounds like a good idea. You'll have to email me early next year, since i'll be buried in tax stuff for a while.

We could look at some options. I actually have a printing degree from Vincennes, worked in printing for 9 years before starting this business. I have a feeling i'll never have time to get one done though, so could definately use some help.
