Have a few questions about Advanced Open water cert.


New member
I just signed up at LDS Sports Charlet for Advance Open Water and picked a Wisdom with compass.

Is this computer any good? Any tips?

For my 5 speciality I am thinking of doing:
1. Dry Suit
2. Deep
3. Peak Performance Buoyancy
4. Navagations
5. Night Dive

Would I be certified to be dry suit diver and any advice?

Thanks in advance.


PS Sports Charlet is having SCUBA SALE! :)
I am not sure about your computer, who makes it?
I use a Uwatec SmartCom Console and love it, but that is what I like. One specialty class that I would recommend is Nitrox, I only dive Nitrox now. Dry Suit is a great class if diving cold water. Deep diver is great to have. Another class that I would recommend is rescue diver.
Are you planning to become a master diver or a dive master?
The computer looks good. As for choosing a computer look at them both side by side if you can and ask alot of questions your LDS should be able to help you out with them. Also make sure the LDS can repair and carry the batteries for the computer you choose to use.
The master diver is when you have completed rescue diver with 5 speciality classes, all you have to do is apply for a new card.