Have any "Safecracker" zoas

There is a guy in the propagated corals and tank raised livestock section.
He has 2 8-10 polyp frags for 75 dollars each.
I was able to get him a PM in time to be at the top of the list.
He also has zombie eyes and he will overnight everything for 115.
Sound like a good deal?

Let me know.
I'll definitely be making small frags of this once I get it and it grows a bit, I'll let you all know.
Well, he is selling the 8-10 polyp frag for $75, I hope to eventually sell 8-10 for $50, so I will be growing them for while. I think it is a prettty ridiculous price too, but I want them NOW! lol
If anybody knows a better way to get them within the next month or so, let me know.

I forgot to mention that he has plenty of other "rare" corals, so I will get a list from him of everything he has and if you are interested, PM me. He said that he has a lot of SPS. We could split shipping or something.
Look at the lighting in the pic - 20k with T5 actinic supplements. I don't think they will look anything like the pic once they are in a "normal" reef set-up.

That was my concern too.
His reply:
"As far as I can tell, these are the true "safecrackers". I don't have lineage on them, as they came in as a whole colony and they're not from the actual guy that dubbed them with that name, but as you can see from the pictures, they're the same. The picture I have posted is a picture from the actual colony I have, so you can rest assured you'll get what's in the picture. I actually need to move them down in the tank, as I've got them not far under 250w halides right now, and it's a bit too much light for them, so they stay pretty small as far as the actual polyp-size goes.

The picture, as you can tell, is under actinics. I have to remove them from the tank to get a good shot (too much surface water flow). In my tank under the 14k, the color is exactly the same. Depending on your lighting, they will likely show up more red than the red-pink under 10k."

I'm willing to give it a try, maybe I'll lose some money, maybe not... but if nobody else has any ideas of how to get some, this seems like the best option.