Hawaiian Day Octopus


New member
Any body out there ever had an Hawaiian day octopus? I have heard there pretty cool but illegal to export under 1lb or something like that. Also anybody with any experiences with the zebra octopus or wonderpus?

The Day octopus is one for the larger systems as they can get to a really big size. Its the species they tend to use in the documentaries like 'the octopus show' etc. I have never seen one for sale.

Both the 'zebra' octopuses are very poor captives. They are 'Mimic' and Wunderpus. Lots of people would like to keep them but they require specialist conditions and a lot of experience.

As very little is known about thier wild numbers and their habits they are best left in the wild.

If you read back some previous posts you will find bits of info here and there about them or visit this site for an article written by Chris (cephalopoder) and Dr Caldwell.....

They have sold O.cyanea in northern CA before. I know some one who has kept 2 of them. They get big! You would need at leat a 125gln tank or bigger. This is a very hard species to find in the trade. Its a cool beast though if you can locate one. As far as the mimic and wunderpus.....better of left alone.