help! are these pods eating my monti?


New member
I discovered little bugs, that look somewhat like shrimp, maybe eating my montipora. last month there was some damage to my red monti because one of my hermit crab was eating the polyps. and today i check the damage monti and there were some dead tissue, i see some small bugs. are they eating my montipora?
what's nudis?
what kinds of pest that eats hard sps corals? do they look like pods. pls. help. any info would be appreciated...
no i dont have pics. these things living in the dead tissue and they are crawling like pods. maybe they are just eating the already dead tissue right? tell me, is there some bugs that eat hard corals that looks like pods? help
i know what nudibranch is and i dont think it nudi. what should i do? should i put fish in there that eats pods or bugs?
its hard to tell how it looks, because they are small size like pods. how does nudi move. this creature in my monti moves like pods. and if it is nudis or not. what should i do to remove these bugs?
I had something cause a die off of a monti cap I was holding for someone else and the pods attacked the dying tissue. I've noticed them on other sps that rtn'd, or whatnot. Still haven't figured out what caused the initial die off, but had a friend in the club with the same issue. He fragged the dead piece off and all seems well, now.
Reg, you cant expect to get much help if you dont give pics. What may look like a pod to you may not look like a pod at all to somone else. It could also be flat worms.....