help: blue tubbs


New member
i have had a small rock with about 25 to30 polyp of blue tubbs for about 3 month now. thing were fine,growth and polyp's opening the last week, fewer and fewer polyp's have been opening. i have three other frags of zoas which are opening and growth is great.all zoas frags are on a 10" x 8" egg crate rack. did my water test and parameter are fine. lighting is t5 24w 10k and antic, 8 hours a day, about 8 month old, lights sit about 8 to 9 inch above frags, 20 gallon long 30x12x 12. koralia 1 & koralia nano 450 power heads. any help would be appreciated

thanks alfred
My tubbs have done this from time to time as well. They are doing just fine, so it's probably nothing to worry about if you parameters are good. Another thing to consider is nudi's. Look closely at the polyps and look for any type of pest that might be bothering them. They will be the same color of the polyps they are eating so they are sometimes hard to spot.
i thought about some type of pest. thinking of doing a dip. wouldn't pest be affecting my other zoa frag's

so my blue tubbs are not opening still. i pulled frag out to get a better look at them. noticed tiny white string like thing in between polyps. used tweezer to try to remome one. it streched and would not pull free. tried several times, and it finally broke free.have some pic's but not that great

here they are in better time's
<img src="">

white sting or worm not sure, next to polyp pointing outward and at a slant at 9 oclock

<img src="">

<img src="">
tried baster no help.

dipped them in "REVIVE" twice now in then last three weeks. is this enough dipping or should i be doing it more often,and if so, how often?
also should i be using another dipping solution, is there one that's better than the others?
